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Friday, February 20, 2015

Tour de Cure time!

Well friends and family. It's time to focus on STOPPING DIABETES. The first four to donate $50 or more will have their picture and name added to my back during the ride. 

   I am a 
Red Rider!


I think back on the positives that having diabetes has had on my life.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t like having Type 2 Diabetes and have had some very rough days. When I first was diagnosed a few years ago, I went into a deep spiral and didn’t want anything to do with food, the thought of having diabetes or much else. And, I have had those moments a few times since “the beginning”. But, I have to admit that being diagnosed has had more positives then negatives.

I am in better physical and mental shape now than before I was diagnosed. I have started eating better (98% of the time), lost weight, started working out more, and cycled and ran more than I ever have in the past. My sugar levels are the best that they have ever been (hovering under 100 on average with an A1C of 5.2). My cholesterol and triglycerides are both great now!  I have also been able to help bring more awareness about diabetes and the fact that it affects so many people in this country.

Being a diabetic has engaged me in the Tour de Cure  - this will be my second year as a Red Rider! Iam  fortunate enough to be joined by my wife, Pam May, and many of our friends on this journey. We train on a regular basis and our group grows every month.  Some of us are riding 30 miles – others in our group are braving 65 miles. And, some are pushing to the century mark!  All of us are bringing it and helping to STOP DIABETES.

Last year I wrote  a “A day in the life” piece to help my friends and family understand what it is like living with Diabetes.  I share this with you now in hopes that it helps you decide to donate or even better yet – join the ride.

What do you do to get ready to go for a ride? Wake up, get dressed and ride? Well, I am a Red Rider - this means I am a diabetic who has taken control of his life and decided not to let a disease keep me from living my life! My day - its starts with me getting up, checking my blood sugar, taking my meds and making sure I have what I need to make it through the day. Then - I ride!  Along the way I may have to stop and check my sugar again or eat a snack. But - I ride!  The ride is best when I have friends or family to ride with me - but I ride!   Sometimes I am by myself with music - but I ride! I am taking control of my life - I am losing weight, my sugar levels are under control - and - I ride!  Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining - it is is just a fact of life. I love riding and getting out there with others. It is just an added fun and exciting aspect to my day. I didn't ask for it, didn't believe it would ever be me - especially after quitting smoking, losing weight, running a marathon and many half marathons, biking marathons, etc. Also - nothing in my family history.. But - I have chosen to  take control and live my life and not let Diabetes keep me down.

I dedicate my ride to friends who have lost family members to this disease and to all of us who live with it or support someone living with it every day.   I hope one day we can all ride the Tour de Cure free from the burdens of diabetes and just ride it because we like to ride.

I truly appreciate your support. Together we can Stop Diabetes!


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Louie and the Vacuum

Louie testing to make sure the new vacuum works correctly. Soon as Pam turns it on he comes and sits in front of it.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Pam is my inspiration

Pam, is an inspiration! Even though she is in pain every minute of every day she still goes out there and smiles and does her thing. I have told her many times that I would have given up and sat around and done nothing. She always says that she has to do it anyways. I will be VERY HAPPY when she has her knee replacement and she can do what she loves most. Run and kick me in the butt!  I can't think of anything else but getting her well and pain free

1st Place in Age group at Best Damn Race

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Special Olympics Run

Had a great time running the Bring It On 5k with Meighan, my Special Olympics Duval County athlete friend. This is the second year she gave me the honor of running with her.

Monday, December 15, 2014

My 2014 Fitness Pics

This weekend I ran the fastest mile I ever have run in my life!  8:20 min.  Here are some other fun pics form 2014.  Thank you Pam for being with me during all of the fun....

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Pams Big Ride

Okay family and friends. It is only a few weeks until Pam May rides her little legs and heart out for a great cause - MS. Please consider clicking on the link and making a donation to Pam's page. Whether it is $5 or $500 - it all goes to help a great cause.

Click here

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Holy Running Shoes

I actually ran 1 mile without stopping today. Pace was 12:34 which was faster than I normally run and I have never run an entire miles.  Slowing starting to build up endurance.  Best thing is with this extra excercise my sugars are staying under 100.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Long Distance Run

So last night I attended my second "Track Session" with PRS Running Group.  This session is designed to help with stregnth, speed and endurance.

I actually ran 800 yards - 1 mile - without stopping!  First time I ever did that.  In fact, I did it twice last night.  Time worked out to about a 13 minute mile so I am getting better each time.

Look out world...

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Nice Bike Ride down Memory Lane

Nice 19 mile bike ride down memory lane this morning in Daytona Beach.

The house is my family's house I was born into 50 years ago - dang I'm old. Ponce Inlet light house- I wanted to grow up and live in it. The beach ramp is what used to be the south turn around for the race cars.....

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Pam's MS 150 Ride

  1. Hello friends and family. My wife, Pam May, is riding the MS 150 coming up in September. Please consider donating to her fundraising page.
    As always, $5 or $500 - every dollar counts

July 6th Sunday Ride

8am in the Home Depot Parking Lot Butler and 3rd street  Jacksonville Beach
20 to 30 miles depending on Pam's knee