Having Diabetes - A Positive Experience
Yes, I meant “A Positive Experience”.
As the clock ticks down to my first Tour de Cure - Jacksonville in a few days – I think back on the
positives that having diabetes has had on my life.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t like having Type 2 Diabetes
and have had some very rough days. When I first was diagnosed a few years ago,
I went into a deep spiral and didn’t want anything to do with food, the thought
of having diabetes or much else. And, I have had those moments a few times
since “the beginning”. But, I have to admit that being diagnosed has had more
positives then negatives.
I am in better physical and mental shape now than before I
was diagnosed. I have started eating better (98% of the time), lost weight,
started working out more, and cycled and ran more than I ever have in the past.
My sugar levels are the best that they have ever been (hovering around 110 with
an A1C of 6.0). My cholesterol is good now and my triglycerides are starting to
pay attention. I have also been able to help bring more awareness about
diabetes and the fact that it affects so many people in this country.
Being a diabetic has engaged me in the Tour de Cure for the
first time and I have been fortunate enough to be joined by my wife, Pam May,
and many of our friends on this journey. Over the past few months we have
trained diligently for this event. Some
of us are riding 30 miles – others in our group are braving 65 miles. All of us are bringing it and helping to STOP DIABETES.
I dedicate my ride to friends who have lost family members
to this disease and to all of us who live with it or support someone living
with it every day. I hope one day we
can all ride the Tour de Cure free
from the burdens of diabetes and just ride it because we like to ride.
Please come out and support us all this Saturday at the
event and enjoy the day –or- help STOP
DIABETES by donating at http://main.diabetes.org/site/TR?px=9469510&pg=personal&fr_id=9370&et=rcjyrPFQd0IeojPWMSzEjg
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